Let’s be honest here. If you were walking downtown and saw a guy talking to a burning bush, you would think he was crazy. Right? Yeah, I would probably think he was crazy too. Why? Because a bush cannot speak our language. It cannot hear what we speak and it cannot speak words that we understand in return! The day Moses was walking by and a voice called his name from a burning bush must have been a bit startling. I can’t say for certain since I have never been in those shoes. What we see in this story found in Exodus 3 is how God chose to communicate with Moses in that moment. Why did God choose a bush? Why was the bush set on fire? I don’t know the answer to either of those questions, but I do know God’s nature is mysterious, at best.
There are many things we do not know about Him. We do know how God replied to Moses when he inquired how he should refer to God when asked. What is “I AM?” Some have said it is the abbreviated name of God, short for “I AM that I AM.” But, as many commentaries have stated, I believe it is a deeper look into the indescribable, complete, absolute, and independent existence of God. I cannot begin to describe Him, as the fullness of His nature cannot be comprehended by human thought and certainly cannot be described in these few, short words. Thus, His response to Moses? “I AM that I AM.” Today, as this life may present challenges to you, remember the One who created it all requires from us faith, not worry. He is more than able, more than capable, and more than willing to respond to our prayers.
Heavenly Father, I know understanding your nature is beyond my human comprehension, my ability to understand, but I know who You are according to Your Word. I know You are love, I know You are life, and I know You love me. I choose to believe in You and stand firm on Your promises. -Amen
God replied to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.”
Exodus 3:14 NLT