Overcoming the Destructive Power of Worry

It may seem like an odd scripture to use in relating to this topic, but there’s a reason I used it. The beginning of Matthew 12 tells of a time Jesus was delivering a demon possessed man and the Pharisees questioned the origin of His power. The scripture tells us that “Jesus knew their thoughts” and replied accordingly. Just like the analogy of a divided kingdom being doomed, or a feuding family being destined for destruction as Jesus said, as individuals, we are destined for destruction when we worry about the future or are anxious about circumstances in our lives. When we worry, we are literally engaged in a personal battle where our minds are divided by the natural notion to worry and the call to be at peace and trust God.

There is nothing in our lives that surprises God. In fact, just like the individuals in Matthew 12, Jesus knows our thoughts too. He knows everything that is and to come. When we choose to fall into the natural rut of worrying, we rob ourselves of breakthrough faith. So today, I challenge you to identify those worries in your mind and take them into captivity according to the truth of God’s promises. We can overcome the destructive power of worry, but it requires us to trust in the faithfulness of God, even when it seems hopeless.

Heavenly Father, I surrender to You my worries, my anxieties, all my concerns. I place my full trust and faith in You and the promises of Your word, knowing You will do what You promised only You can do. Thank you for the peace in my mind and for comfort in knowing You have everything under control. -Amen


Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart…”

Matthew 12:25 NLT


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