“Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” (1 Samuel 3:10 NKJV)

We live in a fast-paced world, a time when everything is demanded of us, and people are pulling us in a number of different directions. We’re the most connected generation, ever, in the history of humanity. However, according to a General Social Society survey conducted, Americans are more lonely now than ever before (American Sociological Review). Can this be attributed to our dependency on digital connections and lacking in meaningful relationships and networking? There’s certainly a point to be argued. If we are missing out on the horizontal connections because of our extreme digital connectivity, what are we missing in our relationship with God? If we are constantly filling our eyes and ears with the noise of this world, we aren’t allowing time to hear the voice of God in our own lives. Busyness is not the equivalent of holiness. You cannot perform your way into heaven, take time to be still, get quiet, and listen to the voice of the Father.  We can only expect out of a relationship as much as we are willing to invest in pursuing it. Allow me to put this in perspective. If you went to an important meeting and were constantly checking social media, or, went in wearing headphones listening to music, audiobooks, or were on the phone with someone else, does the person (or persons) you are meeting with feel like they are a priority to you? I know I wouldn’t. There’s no doubt our society has changed drastically over the past twenty years. But if we are to experience the best God has for us, or as Jesus said it, “life, and life more abundantly” (John 10:10)  we must give our ear to Him on occasion. That simply means, there must be time for us to disconnect from this world and get away with God through time in prayer, reading and studying the Bible, and meditating on His promises. There is tremendous power in listening to the truths of God, following His lead, but we cannot do it if we are never willing to “be still” and let Him be God!   Wednesday Challenge: Today, take time to get quiet. Unplug. Disconnect. Hide in a closet, bathroom, in your car. Find a secret place, if it is only for five or ten minutes. Get quiet. Meditate on the promises of God’s word and watch Him take your life to a new level.  Photo Credit: Pixabay American Sociological Review, Vol 71, Issue 3, pp. 353 – 375, First Published June 1, 2006, https://doi.org/10.1177/000312240607100301