Have you ever found yourself in a situation where there seemed to be no hope, no way out, and no matter how hard you prayed, it seemed the answers weren’t coming? Have you ever been in a place and just felt stuck? If you can’t relate to this scenario, you are blessed, but there are millions of men and women who either are in that situation, or they are coming out of it. Now, before I go any further, the scripture I used for this week’s devotion contains the story of the raven delivering provision for Elijah. In no way am I suggesting your miracle will come from a raven or someone who resembles a raven, rather, it is a reminder that our answers to prayer don’t always come from places we expect. That was supposed to be humorous, maybe you got it. But, maybe you are stuck falling into the same rut over and over. Does that sound familiar? You have either been there or know someone who has.
You expect a paycheck from your employer every week or every two weeks, whatever your schedule is. You don’t expect a miracle to come through someone you’ve never met. How would Elijah have survived if he had refused to accept and receive the provision of sustenance sent by God through the raven? Just like that raven came to sustain, God has sent us everything we need. We neglect to see the way to that provision when we neglect to accept His gift.
A lot of folks have it made, they have all their finances in order, have great relationships, marriages, great careers, all is well. If you fall into the “I’m blessed but on the struggle bus” category, today’s devotion is for you.
There are times when life will throw everything, including the kitchen sink at you. Your kids will act like monsters, your marriage will look like it’s headed to the pits, you are a prime candidate for bankruptcy, but you know what? You have two choices. You can keep on going and keep believing, or you can wallow in the mess. If God sent provision for Elijah through a bird He is more than able to deliver what you need, but it may not come how you expect it.
So, today’s devotion is for those who have wanted to give up. It’s a bit off the norm, but it’s for those who have wanted to quit lately, or thought they made too many mistakes, or are too far gone. Today’s devotion is for the person who can’t seem to shake the bad habit, or keeps falling back into the same slump. Today’s devotion is for the normal people, the dirty people, the people no one else wants to support or help. Today’s devotion is for the struggling saint.
Your brook hasn’t dried up. God has sent everything you need, through vessels you never anticipated, to promote you to a place others say you have no place being. The key? Obedience. What will you do? Sometimes the obedience is just opening your heart (and sometimes hands) to receive. It’s humbling, but there’s a lesson to be learned. You’re never too far gone to be touched by God’s love, or to be found in the wilderness by a raven. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. Keep reaching out for Him and you will find the change you seek!
Heavenly Father, Help us, the normal people, the forgotten ones, the ones the elite of society refuse to support or help. Reach down with your hands and move in my life. I trust you, I depend on you, and I have total confidence in you, my king. -Amen
Recommended Reading: I Kings 17:1-7
And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.
I Kings 17:6
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